Sunday 25 March 2012

How Harmful Is EMF

How Harmful Is EMF

In this modern day to truly be healthy it requires more than just exercising and eating right. The new kid on the block that is harmful to you is EMFs. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) come from electricity lines, electricity wires, wireless devises such as cell (mobile) phones, cordless phones, and broadband. They have been linked to many different health issues such as leukemia, Alzheimer's disease and other degenerative diseases. When combined with a toxic metal it is thought to be linked with autism. The international agency for cancer research (of WHO) has classified EMFs as a possible carcinogen (cancer-causing agent). In the UK the government (SAGE) has advised that power lines are linked to childhood leukemia and that power lines should be placed underground not near houses. Electrical lines around a house reduce the effect of the electrical EMFs from power lines however glass windows don't. Therefore wire-mesh frames can be placed on the outside of the window and they should be earthed. However the magnetic fields of the EMFs can penetrate through any material.
To reduce your exposure from power lines:
  • The 4 cables are higher than the twisted 2 cables of the ABC type
  • Get electricity company to put them underground
  • Keep windows closed, stay away from garden when wind blowing
  • Restrict your use of mobile phones, cordless phones and computers
  • Keep bed away from any devices (including clock radios and don't use an electric blanket, at lest turn it off when in bed if you do)
  • EMFs produce free radicals therefore supplement with antioxidants such as vitamin A, E and C, eat lots of fresh green vegetables and fruit.
EMFs interfere with the immune system, cause miscarriages and ALS. Some people are so disabled they can't lead normal lives causing 'electro hypersensitivity' (ES).
Symptoms include:
  • Malaise
  • Run down
  • Flu that never breaks out
  • Eye problems such as smarting, irritation, 'grit-in-the-eye' sensation, an aversion to light (photophobia)
  • Skin problems such as irritation, warmth, itching, dryness and tingling
  • Rashes and pustules
  • Headache
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of concentration and short term memory
  • Depression
  • Breathlessness
  • Excessive thirst
  • Numbness and weakness in the joints
  • Fibromyalgia
  • Allergic reaction
  • Anxiety
  • Insomnia
  • Seizures
  • Paralysis
  • Stroke
  • Replace DECT phones with hard wired ones or get low-radiation DECT phones such as Orchid LR108
  • Don't have DECT in the bedroom
  • Connect your laptop to broadband cable
  • Get rid of your microwave
  • Use protective devises on your mobile phone, cordless phone and laptop
  • If pregnant don't use mobile phones and reduce your EMF exposure
  • Walk barefoot in the garden for 80 minutes as it helps eliminate the irritation caused by EMFs, it allows the excess charge in your body to discharge into the earth.
For Health and Wellbeing products or Nutrition and Health information go to her website


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