Monday 5 March 2012

Zetaclear - Cure The Fungus Naturally

Zetaclear - Cure The Fungus Naturally

Zetaclear - Cure The Fungus Naturally
Zetaclear is a safe and effective way of treating stubborn toe nail fungus infections. Made entirely from natural ingredients, it does not cause harsh side effects and can be used both to treat active infections and to prevent infection in the future.

Fungal nail infections are very common and can affect everyone. Symptoms include thickening and discoloration of the nail, separation of the nail from the nail bed, and inflammation of the skin surrounding the nail. Once a fungal nail infection has become established, it can recur from time to time which is why good hygiene and preventative treatment is important. Fungal infections thrive in warm, moist environments such as tight-fitting shoes. Zetaclear, applied three times a day, will help to control fungal growth and keep nails strong and healthy.
The ingredients in Zetaclear include proven homeopathic remedies which are effective for all types of fungal nail infections. Antimonium treats painful nail beds and treats discoloration of the nails while Sulphur is calming and an antiseptic helping to prevent itching and infection. Zetaclear also contains Mancinella from the Caribbean Manchineel tree which is a traditional remedy used to treat burning, tingling, and dry skin. It also contains Thuja, which is effective against warts and other growths, and Arsenicum, another ingredient which treats warts and prevents skin from becoming discolored.
Zetaclear is applied to the affected nails three times a day using the brush which is supplied with the product. The gel may need to be reapplied after bathing. Covering the affected nail with a plaster may also help speed up the healing process. Positive results can be seen within four weeks of regular application and Zetaclear doesn't just treat the current infection, but helps to prevent future infections too. It is more effective than traditional medicine in controlling the condition long-term.
Traditional medical treatments for fungal nail infections can be quite harsh on the skin and can only be used for short periods. Doctors may also prescribe oral medications such as terbinafine (Lamisil). Terbinafine can cause serious side effects such as gastrointestinal upset, liver problems, and allergic reactions so it is only prescribed as a short-term solution for acute infections. However, it may take up to four months to completely eliminate a nail fungal infection. The good thing is Zetaclear is a natural drug free product so it is safe to use for long periods.
In addition to Zetaclear, practicing good nail hygiene is essential for preventing future nail infection. Keeping nails clean and dry and avoiding tight-fitting shoes or footwear that makes feet sweat. If possible leave feet bare and uncovered as much as possible and choose socks and shoes made of natural fabrics rather than synthetic. Fungal nail infections can also be spread to other members of the household so it is important to be scrupulously clean with towels or flannels, ensuring they are only used by one person. During treatment with Zetaclear, clean off dead skin or flaking nails with an emery board before reapplying the product.
For more information on popular products like Zetaclear, visit the Toe Nail Fungus Cures website.


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